Othes yelled similar things, expressing their disapproval. Black Press Media spoke to several people waiting for the bus about what they thought of the noise. “I just want to wait for the bus in peace,” said Terri Wilson. “I don’t mind other people’s beliefs, but don’t ...
Not everyone agrees. In Victoria, pickleball players are being banned from some tennis courts due to noise complaints. “The noise is people having fun,” said McCann, president of the Victoria Regional Pickleball Association. “It’s a good noise.” She said she was shocked the ci...
it might just do the trick (trailer). Written by Mark Chappell and directed by Tom George, alcoholic police detective Sam Rockwell and ambitious constable Saoirse Ronan try to solve the mysterious death of an obnoxious American film producer (Adrien Brody). Ronan is completely charming here...
Blowers not only remove leaves that would mulch and break down into the soil but also blow away the top layer of soil and insects that are crucial, Ney said. “Leaf blowers are ripping up the bio derm. We know the health effects of the GHGs, and the noise, but I also say to people...