David and Victoria Beckham’s Most Hilarious Trolling Moments Through the Years The couple that trolls together, stays together!David BeckhamandVictoria Beckhamhavebeen together for more than 20 years, yet they stillcannot resist teasing and trolling one another abouttheir sometimes-questionable ...
画面中,贝嫂Victoria Beckham提及自己的出身,大言不惭地解释着自己有着工薪阶级的背景。而真正出身于Working Class的David此时从门内探出头,毫不留情地拆穿着妻子。最终,贝嫂无奈承认道,自己上学时,家里确实有一辆劳斯莱斯。两位昔日英伦巨星携手走过风云莫测的数十载,在外人看来有做戏的成分。当镜头横闯入生活深...
Courtesy of Victoria Beckham/Instagram David BeckhamandVictoria Beckhamtied the knot in 1999, started growing their family that same year and have been documenting their parenting journey ever since. After their eldest sonBrooklyn’s birth, the couple went on to welcome sonsRomeoandCruz...
Kisses @davidbeckham, I love u ? A post shared byVictoria Beckham(@victoriabeckham) onAug 18, 2020 at 4:27am PDT 最近與Nicola Peltz 訂婚的 Beckham 大兒子 Brooklyn,也為這個家庭聚會準備了一場盛宴。 Victoria Beckham 更是興奮分享了兒子在廚房下廚的照片,大讚Brooklyn。 Instagram Story @VictoriaBe...
#金童玉女的爱情故事#Victoria Beckham & DavidBeckham 今年是Victoria Beckham与David Beckham结婚十五周年,1997年贝克汉姆与维多利亚在曼联更衣室相识,1998年订婚,1999年7月4日两人在都柏林举行了盛大的婚礼,现在共同孕育了四个孩子。 7月4日是美国独立日,同时也是小贝夫妇的15周年结婚纪念日!恋旧的Victoria又在昨日放...
Victoria Beckham 細說與 David Beckham 的首次相遇:一見鍾情是真的存在,相信愛情吧!: 被譽為模範夫妻、結婚已 17 年 Victoria Beckham 與 David Beckham ,除了二人皆有才華外,亦帶點難得的幸運,才可同時遇到最愛、擁有美好家庭與成功的事業。但原來
维多利亚·贝克汉姆 (Victoria Beckham) ,大卫·贝克汉姆 (David Beckham)小贝身上的背心去年很火大家还记得吧,但是名字变成了“老爹背心”,想想也对,毕竟小贝现在都变成“老贝”了。图片来自WENN/网络 维多利亚·贝克汉姆 (Victoria Beckham) ,大卫·贝克汉姆 (David Beckham)后来就“豪”了起来,但是是好看那种,看看...
David BeckhamCourtesy of Victoria Beckham/Instagram Cohen, 55, dubbed David the “Rolls Royce of TV Repairmen” while Ferguson, 48, hatched a brilliant plan. “Currently breaking my TV,” theModern Family alum joked. This isn’t the first time that Victoria has blessed her followers ...
David BeckhamCourtesy Victoria Beckham/Instagram Victoria and David have often used social media to offer a glimpse at their marriageafter two decades of marriage. “They say he isn’t funny, they say I never smile, they said it wouldn’t last 😂 Today we celebrate 23 years being mar...
David Beckham waved to his fans while walking the green carpet at the Earthshot Prize Awards in Boston on Friday. David and Victoria Beckham have seemingly time traveled back to 2003, when their relationship was highly publicized and tarnished with affair rumors. But the c...