Now the library is open for two hours a couple of hours a week in the middle of the day. I realised that while I work 3 days a week from home, I can easely collect the proper books but somehow amidst “Stay at home, save lives” slogans everywhere it doesn’t feel right. The CO...
Latitude-33.5916° or 33° 35' 30" south Longitude150.2562° or 150° 15' 22" east Population989 Elevation1,071 metres (3,514 feet) Open Location Code4RRGC754+9F OpenStreetMap IDnode 117041098 OpenStreetMap Featureplace=suburb GeoNames ID2156501 Wikidata IDQ6924432...
Longitude145.0563° or 145° 3' 23" east Elevation85 metres (279 feet) Open Location Code4RH7M3Q4+VG GeoNames ID11523951 Wikidata IDQ1413210We welcome you to please improve upon our open data sources. Thank you for your contributions. This page is based on GeoNames, Wikidata, Wi...
Photo credit: Mitratanmoy01 | Wikimedia Commons Places to Visit in Kolkata | 3. Marble Palace Just 15 minutes north of Fort William is where sightseers can find Marble Palace. This decadent 19th-century mansion is the privately owned residence of the descendants of Rajendra Mull...
Unknown // Wikimedia Commons #71. '98.12.28 Otokotachi no Wakare' by Fishmans - Best Ever Albums score: 4,943 - Best Ever Albums user rating: 89 - Rank in year: #6 - Rank all-time: #389 - Year: 1999 - Country: Japan