AsamemberofthePrivyCouncil, 皇家子嗣诞生时我需要到场 Iamrequiredtoattendaroyalbirth, 确保不会有人作假 tomakesureitsthegenuinearticle. 那你为什么在和路易·菲力浦玩牌 ThenwhyareyouplayingcardswithLouisPhilippe? 你知道亲王厌恶赌博 Youknowtheprinceloathesthiskindofthing. 你可真是好侍臣亲爱的 Oh,whatacour...
Added new economic law Cooperative Ownership, which requires Council Republic and now unlocks Workers’ Co-ops production methods instead of Council Republic doing so directly Strategic Objectives that can be designated by the player, encouraging Generals to capture specific states Command Economy now mak...
As France, become a Council Republic and have a Command Economy Barbary's Back Starting as Algeria, retake Algiers and become a Major Power Minors, not Miners Starting as Lanfang, incorporate all states in Borneo and have the 'Compulsory Primary School' law ...
Vivelarepublic! 妈妈会死吗 IsMamagoingtodie? 如果她死了你就是国王就能戴王冠 Ifshedoes,you'llbekingandyou'llhaveacrown 所有人都会对你行屈膝礼伯蒂 andeverybodywillcurtsytoyou,Bertie. 我为什么要成为国王 WhydoIhavetobeking? 你别无选择
council republic是委员会共和制吧,就是瑞士那套体制 来自Android客户端17楼2022-01-08 08:04 收起回复 gxdghvnnj 不落英国 11 我有一个魔怔的想法。。。 来自Android客户端18楼2022-01-08 08:27 收起回复 暮江连曜 日俄战争 14 我想玩君安 来自Android客户端20楼2022-01-08 09:26 收起回复 温彻斯...
the attributes tend to be neglected by some design guidelines for species selection, using only criteria of tree survival and tolerance to urban conditions, local site constraints, aesthetics, and maintenance (Agency, 2018;Auckland Regional Council, 2003;City of Los Angeles, 2016;City of New York...
Victoria International Airways ( (Entebbe) was a Ugandan airline in 2006 and 2007. It was proposing to become the Ugandan flag carrier and planned to operate Boeing 737-200s. One 737 was actually painted and two were leased and operated. Operations started on October 1, 2006 ...
The State Council of the People's Republic of China: Ministry of culture and tourism notice on promoting tourism enterprises' resumption of work. 2020. Accessed 40 Apr 2024. The People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality...
The Security Council should, in our view, also continue to monitor closely progress in the peace talks between the Government of Uganda and the Lord’s Resistance Army, which uses the Garamba National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo as its base. UN-2 我们 在这 公园 山上 ...
In line with the growing links as the whole area becomes a single international destination, the new city has invited guests from the city councils of Livingstone and Francistown in Botswana, as well as the municipal council of Kasana in Botswana, the town just up the Zambezi from the Falls....