Iwantedtoseemyfamily. 我错过了你的生日阿尔伯特 Imissedyourbirthday,Albert. 我想送你些东西以作纪念 Iwantedyoutohavesomethingtoremembermeby. 您真体贴 Howthoughtful. 恕我告退 Pleaseexcuseme. 阿尔伯特似乎心情不好 Albertdoesnotseeminaveryreceptivemood. ...
Iimaginethechangeofgovernmentisunsettling. 我知道您很重视墨尔本勋爵的忠告 IknowhowmuchyouvalueLordMelbournescounsel. 但您还有别的朋友夫人 Butyouhave...otherfriends,Maam. 与您尊敬的叔叔坎伯兰徳相比 IncontrasttoyourestimableUncleCumberland, 我想向您表达...我的衷心 Ishouldliketoassureyouofmy...loyalty. ...
BC Transit and the Victoria Regional Transit Commission (VRTC) are announcing a seasonal service change in the Victoria Regional Transit System, effective December 9, 2024. Transit System: Victoria Categories Service and Fare Changes Continue reading the post titled BC Transit invites you to share ...
Climate change presents many challenges for local government in Victoria, Australia. In the Macedon Ranges local government area the future climate is likely to include more hot days, less rainfall and run-off and increased frequency and intensity of extreme events such as drought, flash flooding ...
While the game lets you set video options, this is not of much help if the display is so wrong the user isn’t able to click anything! Fixes: In your user files there should be a settings.txt file. You can edit it directly when the game is not running to change how the game will...
The establishment of Court Services Victoria on 1 July 2014 heralded a new era of independence for Victoria's courts. From that day, judicial services became independent of the executive arm of government and Victoria's courts and tribunals became accountable directly to parliament. Learn more Jobs...
how French Nazi sympathizers would “rat” on their neighbors to the Vichy government or to the Nazi’s themselves in order to make life somewhat “easier” for themselves in the short term. I now know who I would not want to be in a fox hole with during a war. Fortitude is needed....
Some other changes were also made to the proxy war system so it works as intended. It would fragment the nation into a constellation of rebel tags that the player, the government, would have to crush. If the player fails then the government type of the rebels would become the new gov ty...
His first piece of advice was to find out what the policies and procedures are in the locale where you’re writing about, if it’s a real place, in the time period of your fiction. Ways of handling and using dogs vary by jurisdiction, he explained, and these practices change a lot to...
change_law (law key) (country tag) - Changes a law in specified country to the specified key; country tag optional changestatepop (state ID) (pop type/all) (factor - Changes the size of the specified pop type or all pops by the given factor; capped at maximum employment for each pop...