成都伊势丹HUGO&VICTOR 甜品还分精品品牌吗? 当然, HUGO&VICTOR就是。 这个在2010年由法国甜品大赛冠军甜点师创立的品牌,如今logo就代表着甜点的品质。成都的姐妹们有福了,来成都伊势丹就可以吃到来自法国巴黎的精品巧克力,这个别的地方还真没有。 经典邮票簿6 球形:果味焦糖 所有的巧克力都纯自然着色,这种技术还获...
Verified past guests that have stayed at Hotel Victor Hugo had an average nightly stay of 3 nights at this property. What was the average room rate for Hotel Victor Hugo been in the past month? The typical room rate for Hotel Victor Hugo in the past month is 68.67 EUR, compared to city...