Victor Davis Hanson has written or edited numerous books, including The Western Way of War, The Wars of the Ancient Greeks, The Soul of Battle, Carnage and Culture, and Ripples of Battle. He is also the author of two bestselling collections of essays: An Autumn of War and Between War ...
InThe Father of Us All(Bloomsbury 2011), he collected earlier essays on warfare, ancient and modern. The Savior Generals(Bloomsbury 2013) analyzes how five generals saved what were considered lost wars. Hanson has published an historical novelThe End of Sparta(Bloomsbury 2012), a realistic retelli...
Is it, as Victor Davis Hanson has put it, that we are in a “larger existential war for the soul of America”? I would argue that Hanson is essentially correct: We are in the middle of a “regime” struggle. Put another way: We are in an argument over the meaning of “the ...