the law has been one of the structures that has reinforced gender inequality and legitimized male seizure of women’s sexuality within and outside marriage: legally, married women had no right to sexual freedom regarding their husbands and, at the same time, non-wed women who...
Self-blaming cognitions appear more difficult to resolve, thus leading victims to rely on suppression or other avoidance strategies. In addition, victims experiencing less severe forms of physical force during the assault used more avoidance coping than those victims that did not experience any force ...
Why only now the child is blaming the father of touching her breast during the bath? This has to be carefully analysed because it arises in a context that raises doubt. (J8) Consent and physical resistance There is nothing in Portuguese law that demands rape victims to bodily resist to a ...
Although I do not want to resort to teacher blaming, one of the most striking results of the analyses in this article is the lack of an inquisitive stance on the part of the teacher. An explanation for this might be that bullying is always dealing with "difficult knowledge" (Walton 2015,...
(i.e., using worthy ends or moral purposes to excuse pernicious means), diffusion of responsibility (i.e., diluting per- sonal responsibility because other people are also involved), disregarding or distort- ing the negative or harmful consequences of the actions, and blaming the victim (i.e...