Vicks VapoRub is an effective product that delivers soothing cough relief for your family. Learn more about all the Vicks Vapo family of products.
For topical cough medicine, Vicks VapoRub topical ointment with medicated vapors works quickly to help relieve coughs.
Generously rub Vicks VapoRub on feet and cover them with socks. Within moments, your cough will subside and in the morning, you’ll wake up a new, hacking-free person. Make sure to only put Vicks VapoRub on feet with socks for maximum coziness. ...
VICKS 维克斯 Vaporub Cough Suppressant 止咳舒缓膏 (50g*3) 全网比价 美国亚马逊 最低 ¥91.91 商品介绍完善信息 VICKS 维克斯是P&G宝洁旗下的著名婴儿软膏品牌。爆料人推荐道:“寒冷季节里,天气变幻不定,干燥的气候容易让病毒肆虐,寒冷又让人的抵抗力减弱,稍不留神就会感冒.这款产品主要起到感冒时候缓解症状的...
VICKS 维克斯 Vaporub Cough Suppressant 止咳舒缓膏 50g*3 $14.88,适用于2岁以上宝贝或是成人使用,采用纯天然质地原料,非药物配方,内含薄荷,桉树,樟脑等植物精华,对于缓解因感冒引起的鼻塞咳嗽,肌肉和关...
Use as RUB ON MASSAGE for temporary relief from DRY COUGH and MINOR MUSCULAR ACHES due to colds. Vicks VapoRub contains cough suppressants. So if you want a very good nights sleep for the whole troop, gently apply VVR on chest and throat before bedtime to silence coughs. Use as MEDICATED...
Vicks VapoRub Nasal Decongestant/Cough Suppressant has been one of my favorite products to use since I was a young child. My great aunt used to apply the product on me on those fateful days when I was too sick to attend school, and it always helped to eliminate my cold or flu symptoms...
TOPICAL COUGH SUPPRESSANT: Clinically proven to reduce cough. Rub a thick layer of VapoRub ointment on your chest and throat for cough relief so you can breathe easier. POWER & EFFECTIVE MEDICATED VICKS VAPORS WITH A CALM, SOOTHING LAVENDER SCENT. Experience Vicks medicated vapors in a ...
美国亚马逊 Vicks Vaporub Cough Suppressant Topical Analgesic Ointment 3.53 Oz历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Vicks Vaporub Cough Suppressant Topical Analgesic Ointment 3.53 Oz
目前美亚售价$8.51,适合凑单转运,发货重量很轻,之前新西兰药房约50元每盒。 VICKS 维克斯是P&G宝洁旗下的著名婴儿软膏品牌。这款产品主要起到感冒时候缓解症状的作用,能快速减轻你因感冒引发的鼻塞、咳嗽,和四肢酸痛的症状。美亚客户反映效果明显。” 建议2岁以上儿童以及成人,取少量涂抹于胸口与喉处,或按摩酸痛的肌...