New Granada, viceroyalty ofhistorytodayprod
theViceroyaltyofNewGranada(Colombia,Ecuador,VenezuelaandPanama) elvirreinatodeNuevaEspaña theViceroyaltyofNewSpain(Mexico,thesouthwesternUSAandpartsofCentralAmerica) 到英语_美式英语 单语范例(未经PONS编辑处理) 英语 His efforts to modernize the viceroyalty were of great importance. ...
Define viceroyalty. viceroyalty synonyms, viceroyalty pronunciation, viceroyalty translation, English dictionary definition of viceroyalty. n. pl. vice·roy·al·ties 1. The office, authority, or term of service of a viceroy. 2. A district or province go
近义词 n. jurisdiction 联想词 colonial殖民地居民;monarchy君主政体;aristocracy贵;colony殖民地;nobility贵;Jesuits 会;ecclesiastical基督教会的;empire帝国;Habsburg哈普斯堡皇室;province省; 英语例句库 1.It was settled by the Spanish in 1510 and formed the nucleus of theviceroyaltyof New Granada after 1740...
In this paper, I present to the public, for the first time, Mutis' work on ichthyology in the Viceroyalty of New Granada, the colonial Spanish denomination for the northern part of South America that includes the present-day countries of Panama, Colombia, Venezuela...
In the case of New Granada, the conversions to Christianity had become a challenge when the missionaries went beyond the center of the Viceroyalty to regions where numerous tribes spoke mutually unintelligible languages. Nevertheless, both the missionaries and the scientists were moved by the spirit ...
Corruption, Power and Abuse: The Capitains of War During the Late Colonial Period in Viceroyalty of Nueva GranadaReyes CárdenasAna CatalinaUniversidad Nacional de Colombia