[大红花][开心]亲您好!很高兴为您解答:拉丁文VICARIUS FILII DEI中文意思是:神的儿子的代表。指上帝的独生子耶稣基督在世的代表,首先用于指圣伯多禄。
Vicarius Filii Dei:神的儿子的代表,指上帝的独生子耶稣基督在世的代表,首先用于指圣伯多禄。
分類: forged document 訂閱forged document嘅發音 “1”詞彙已被標為“forged document”. 排序 按照日期 按照熱門程度 按照字母發音 Vicarius Filii Dei 666嘅發音 Vicarius Filii Dei 666[la]
The Number and the Name — Vicarius Filii Dei and the 666 W M AN UNUSUAL STATEMENT—On pp. 85-86 of the June 2002 Senior Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly 1 0 (reprinted on the next page of this tract), several re- markable claims are made: 9 9 (1) The number 666, in Revelation ...
网络代理人;圣子代理人 网络释义
Vicarius Filii Dei (Latin: Vicar or Representative of the Son of God) is a phrase first used in the forged medieval Donation of Constantine to refer to Saint Peter, leader of the early Christian Church and regarded as the first Pope by the Catholic Church. Its interpretation has been ...
Vicarius Filii Dei 作者:Surhone, Lambert M.; Tennoe, Mariam T.; Henssonow, Susan F. 页数:148 ISBN:9786133227590 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价
DEI = 500+1 total = 5+1+100+1+5+50+3+500+1 = 666 在拉丁文中, 'VICARIUS FILII DEI'这个字有写在教宗的帽子上, 源起于天主教. 法国友人的说法是' the one who in this world wants to play God', 也就是在这世界上却想扮演上帝角色的人, 就是指撒旦. ...