Vicarious liability frequently applies to relationships between an employer and its employee or a principal and its agent. Employers are generally vicariously liable for the acts of their employees. 2. Employers and Employees Under California’srespondeat superior law, employers can be held vicariously ...
Southern California Law Review . 1996Steven P.Croley.Vicarious Liability in Tort:On the Sources and Limits of Employee Reasonable-ness.S.CAL.L.REV. 1996StevenP.Croley.Vicarious Liability in Tort:On the Sources and Limits of Employee Reasonableness.....
Vicarious Agents. Representatives, vicarious agents and affiliates The above limitations of liability also apply to all representatives, vicarious agents and affiliates of eGym, including Daxko, LLC.
(1996), `The Hidden and Fundamental Issue of Employer Vicarious Liability', 69 Southern California Law Review, 1739-1767.Schwartz, G.T., "The Hidden and Fundamental Issue of Employer Vicarious Liability" (1996) 69S Cal.L.Rev....
TARGETING GANG CRIME: AN ANALYSIS OF CALIFORNIA PENAL CODE SECTION 12022.53 AND VICARIOUS LIABILITY FOR GANG MEMBERS.Examines the California Penal Code section 12022.53 and the controversy among the California Courts of Appeal surrounding the vicarious application of firearm sentence enhancements to aiders ...
The article discusses the California Supreme Court's ruling in the 2012 case C.A. v. William S. Hart Union High School District which deals with allegations of sexual misconduct by then-head guidance counselor Roselyn Hubbell and a shift in California's standard of vicarious liability for ...