For further background on the saving death of Christ, see my two articles on my web site ( under OTHER WRITINGS: "TheAtonement within a Personalist Trinitarian Context" and "Christ's VicariousAtoning Death".Fr. Steven Scherrer...
Had the poor boy suddenly gone mad, or was this vicarious farewell a part of the courtship of Devil's Ford? View in context As it was precisely of that love that poor Winsett was starving to death, Archer looked with a sort of vicarious envy at this eager impecunious young man who ...
To be a follower of Jesus means that He will free us from sin by His vicarious death and make us justified on the Day of Judgment. 成为耶稣的追随者意味着:祂的代赎之死将我们从罪中释放出来,在审判的那日为我们赢得义人的地位。 ParaCrawl Corpus Our representatives or vicarious agents' responsi...
Atonement in John: The Death of Jesus in Light of Exodus Typology Although many in Johannine critical scholarship have argued against viewing Jesus' death as a vicarious atonement (e.g., Bultmann), their arguments have failed to adequately deal with the text of the Fourth Gospel (FG). Morgan...
In this view, not only is the atonement accomplished by Christ's vicarious death, as in traditional thought, but the very essence of salvation includes the vicarious nature of the entire humanity of Christ, the representative and substitute for all humanity. The humanity of Christ thus becomes ...