vicar general n. pl. vicars general 1. Roman Catholic Church a. A priest acting as deputy to a bishop to assist him in the administration of his diocese. b. An assistant to the head of a religious order. 2. An ecclesiastical official in the Church of England, usually a layperson,...
Vicar general in diocese left to own devices in dealing with allegationsPATSY McGARRYPAMELA DUNCAN
Related to vicar-general:Episcopal Vicars vic′ar-gen′eral n.,pl.vicars-general. 1.a Roman Catholic priest deputized by a bishop to assist in the administration of a diocese. ecclesiastical officer in the Church of England, usu. lay, who assists a bishop or archbishop. ...
Related to vicar-general:Episcopal Vicars Category filter: AcronymDefinition VGVery Good VGVideo Game VGVerwaltungsgericht(German: Administrative Court) VGVerdens Gang VGVirgin Islands (British)(ISO country code, top level domain) VGVector Graphics ...
2. Vicar: A vicar is a clergyman who is a representative or deputy of a bishop. In the context of the Roman Catholic Church, a vicar general is the bishop's principal deputy fordiocese, while a vicarForane is a priest who has been given responsibility for a rural deanery. ...
: a vicar-general of a diocese in France Love words? You must — there are over 200,000 words in our free online dictionary, but you are looking for one that’s only in the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary. Start your free trial today and get unlimited access to America's largest...
The Archbishop has been under increasing pressure over his "failures" to alert authorities about John Smyth QC's "abhorrent" abuse of children and young men. A petition by some members of the General Synod, the church's parliament, has gathered more than 1,500 signatures ...
He was what they call avicargeneral -- next job to the bishop, you know. Charred WoodFrancis Clement Kelley 1909 My mom would like my next book to be a cozy about an eccentricvicarfrom the Midlands who solves crimes with the help of a psychic sheepdog, but it will probably be more ra...
vicar-general 副主教 vicar apostolic 宗座大牧 vicar general 副主教例子 干 Advanced filtering Subcorpus Target language phrase I heard you are to be our vicar. 听说 你将是 我们 教区 的 牧师 OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Cardinal Poletti, Paul VI’s vicar in the diocese of Rome, stated that by ...
b.a priest in the Roman Catholic or Anglican Church appointed by a bishop to take care of the affairs of a division of a diocese. 3.the senior member, in length of service, of any profession, field, etc.:the dean of American composers. ...