摘要 分别选取VIC模型与新安江模型作为分布式和集总式水文模型的代表,以太湖上游山区西苕溪流域为例,以Nash-Suttcliffe效率系数为目标函数,用SCE-UA(shuffled complex evolution al...展开更多 Hydrological models have different structures, and usually represent different aspects of hydrological processes. No one ...
摘要 VIC模型在流域面积大于3 000 km2的大型流域日或月尺度洪水模拟中表现出良好的适用性,而在大型流域小时尺度实时洪水预报过程中的适用性尚未得到验证。以三峡库区大型流域为例,通过建立小时尺度VIC...展开更多 The existing basin real-time flood forecasting system is based on the lumped model.With the ...
本文基于VIC模型和度日模型构建的VIC_glacier模型,模拟了1990—2010年拉萨河流域径流过程。结果表明:(1)与VIC模型相比,V...展开更多 Glacial meltwater is an important source for the river runoff in Lhasa River,which is the largest tributary of the Brah⁃maputra River in the southern Qinghai-Tibet ...