VibratingSampleMagnetometerVibratingSampleMagnetometer 复旦大学应用表面物理国家重点实验室复旦大学应用表面物理国家重点实验室 a)a)动机与目的动机与目的 b)b)系统功能框图系统功能框图 c)c)VSMVSM电路部分电路部分 d)d)VSMVSM控制软件控制软件 e)e)VSMVSM调试与测量调试与测量 动机与目的动机与目的 ·灵敏度:一般...
absolute magnetometer 绝对磁强计,绝对磁强计 compensation magnetometer 补偿磁力计 相似单词 magnetometer n. 磁力计 Sample n. 示例,字样 n. 样品,标本 vt. 抽取样品,尝试 sample n. 1.(抽查的)样本,样品 2.(化验的)取样,样本,样 3.(作为标准或代表的)样品,货样 v.[T] 1. 尝,品尝,尝试,体验 2...
Vibrating Sample Magnetometer model, will not solveLogin
VibratingSampleMagnetometer(VSM) [PrincetonAppliedResearch]—Room294(VSM) Sensitivity2x10 –8 Am 2 Appliedfieldsfrom0Tto1.7T Temperature:roomtemperature 2to~30min/sampleforhysteresisloops(8cm 3 ) SeeIRMQuarterly,Fall1993,Vol.3,No.3 SeeIRMQuarterly,Spring1994,Vol.4,No.1(magneticquantitiesandunits) ...
We have investigated whether it is possible to improve the speed while increasing the number of thermal steps by about an order of magnitude by using a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). In our test, we use a MicroMag 3900 VSM produced by Princeton Measurements Corporation. This VSM includes...
Analysis of induced EMF in vibrating-sample magnetometers An automated vibrating-sample magnetometer is described where the variable magnetic field in excess of ±1.1 T is produced in a 26 mm bore by an assembly o... E,E,Bragg,... - 《Journal of Physics E Scientific Instruments》 被引量:...
Vibrating-sample-magnetometer,-VSM网络震动样品磁强计;振动样品磁强计网络释义 1. 震动样品磁强计 现今有许多仪器可供做磁性浓度测量,如震动样品磁强计(Vibrating Sample Magnetometer VSM)、超导量子干涉振动磁量仪…|基于3个网页 2. 振动样品磁强计 ...射(X-ray Diffraction XRD)和振动样品磁强计...
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