Will they be okay with kids? Will my child like them? When should I introduce them? Will he be a good role model? There are so many questions that come to mind it makes you wantContinue reading “Dear Single Mom:” Posted byvibealittleJune 19, 2018Posted inUncategorizedTags:Action, ...
This occasion is rare. It is not often that we whole -heartedly, disagree. As we end the night, there isn’t a breath to spare. The odd part is I believe in your ideas of how things should be. I get that the reality of it all is crooked. That doesn’t mean I agree with the ...
mom, motherhood, mothers, music, myself, narcisist, partnership, peace, poerty, POETRY, PRAYER, Questions, quotes, rare, Reaction, realtionships, recovery, relationship, respect, self, sharing, silence, sin, smile, SOCIETY, SOUL, soulmate, Stability, strong, tag, thank you, therapy, time, ...
mom, motherhood, mothers, music, myself, narcisist, partnership, peace, poerty, POETRY, PRAYER, Questions, quotes, rare, Reaction, realtionships, recovery, relationship, respect, self, sharing, silence, sin, smile, SOCIETY, SOUL, soulmate, Stability, strong, tag, thank you, therapy, time, ...