Find answers to frequently asked questions regarding the ViaSat-3 constellation FAQs Sign up for the latest ViaSat-3 updates, corporate news, and more We'll keep you informed on the latest ViaSat-3 news and corporate updates. Sign up Change region...
🎉2023年5月1日,ViaSat-3 Americas卫星搭乘SpaceX猎鹰重型火箭,在佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心成功发射!🚀📍发射后约4小时32分钟,卫星与火箭分离,并在15分钟后,通过韩国地面站接收到第一批信号。预计未来几天内,ViaSat-3将部署太阳能电池阵列,并逐渐漂移至最终轨道位置。🌐🌐ViaSat董事长兼首席执行官Mark Dankber...
The Latvian Competition Council imposes fines and legal obligations on distributors of TV channel (VIASAT, TV3)Fines and Legal Obligations Imposed on Distributors of TV Channel TV3* On 18 June 2009 Competition Council (CC) fined VIASAT AS (Estonia) and (...)Latvian Competition Authority...