Either way, you'll find that the etymology of viand reflects the close link between food and life. Viand was borrowed into English in the 15th century from the Anglo-French viaunde or viande (viande, meaning "meat," is still found in modern French usage). The Anglo-French viaunde ...
Either way, you'll find that the etymology ofviandreflects the close link between food and life.Viandwas borrowed into English in the 15th century from the Anglo-Frenchviaundeorviande(viande, meaning "meat," is still found in modern French usage). The Anglo-Frenchviaundederives ultimately from...
viand 意思是: 肉; "食品",早在14世纪,源自盎格鲁-法语viaunde,古法语viande "食物(植物和动物),口粮,供应品" (11世纪),它源自于普通拉丁语*vivanda,源于晚期拉丁语的vivenda "生活必需品,供人生活的事物" ,在古典拉丁语中,“生活的方式”,是 vivere“生活”的