set foldmethod=indentset mouse=a如果我用vim打开一个文件,所有这些都可以正常工作,但是如果我用vi或view而且,vi或view仍然在显示linenumbers,这看起来非常糟糕,许多登录到该框的人都会突然被黄色的行号弄糊涂。 我是linux的powerbroker。 浏览2提问于2016-04-12得票数 1 回答已采纳 1回答 如何在bash中设置垂直标...
具体方法如下: 菜单栏View——Toggle Line Numbers 就这么简单。。。...补充知识:解决jupyter notebook在输出行数太大时出现滚动条滑动窗口 而不一次性显示全部输出 暂时发现有两种方式: 1.鼠标点击方式: 先选中代码单元; 然后点击菜单栏的Cell;然后选择下图第二个矩形框中的...使用ipython的魔法命令:%%javaScript...
:set nu Display line numbers :set nonu Turn off option :set all Show all settings :set list Try to display invisible chars :set wm=5 Wrap lines 5 sp from R margin Command mode: <- | -> hljk Cursor movement G Goto last file line 3G Goto line 3 0 Goto line start $ Goto line ...
:set nu:显示行号、nu为numbers的前两个字母 :set noun:隐藏(不显示)行号 :set ic: 指令中搜寻时忽略大小写 :set notc:指令中搜寻时区分大小写 :set list:显示不可见字符(如制表键和行结束符) :set nolist:关闭显示(不显示)不可见字符 :set showmode:显示当前操作的模式 :set noshowmode:不显示当前操作...
set nu set ai set tabstop=4 set ls=2 set shiftwidth=4 Add the above code to your .vimrc file. if the .vimrc file is not present please create it in your home directory (/home/name of the user) set nu -> Displays line numbers set ai -> Enables auto-indentation set ls=2 -...
set nu Finally,press Enterto execute the command, which will display line numbers. To hide/disable Absolute Line Numbers, follow the steps in Vi editor: 1. PressEscto change to command/normal mode. 2. Use:(colon) to start the command bar. ...
spf13 neocomplete dotvim 方法/步骤 1 sudo apt-get install vim如果VIM已安装跳过 2 下载,ctags ,taglist, neocomplete,spf13-vim,dot-vimctags可以直接使用在线方式安装sudo apt-get install ctags 3 taglist下载后解压将文件复制到VIM里面语句如下cp doc/taglist.txt /usr/share/vim/vim74/doc/cp plugin/...
1 "*** 2 " 一般性配置 * 3 "*** 4 5 "关闭vim一致性原则 6 set nocompatible 7 8 "显示行号 9 set number 10 11 "设置在编辑过程中右下角显示光标的行列信息 12 set ruler 13 14 "在状态栏显示正在输入的命令 15 set showcmd 16 17 "设置历史记录条数 18 set history=1000 19 20 "设置取消...
Vim supports three modes of line numbering that helps you navigate through the files. In this guide, we will show you how to display or hide line numbers in Vim / Vi text editor.
6.6.1 Turning Line Numbers On and OffTo turn line numbers on, type :set nu and press Return. Line numbers appear in the left margin. Note that these numbers do not appear when you print out the file. They are visible only on the screen....