How to say Vichan in English? Pronunciation of Vichan with 1 audio pronunciation, 1 meaning and more for Vichan.
Manavaachakam Kadantaan ணாசகம் கடந்ான் (13th century) Language: Tamil Subject: Basis of Saiva Siddhanta Related articles and links: Primer in Saiva Siddhanta TATTVAS-36 Translation: Veeraswamy Krishnaraj Unmai Vilakkam = உண்ம ...
this narrative, we know that both the proponents of the Viśiṣṭādvaita school of thought and their predeccesors, the Tamil Āḻvārs, happened to evoke it when they spoke about the prapanna, i.e., the devotee who, while having troubles, takes refuge in god (Hopkins 2002, pp...