如果你在修改文档时未保存,vi会提示你是否保存更改。如果你想保存更改并退出vi,可以输入wq(write and quit)或x(save and exit)。如果你不想保存更改并直接退出vi,可以输入q!(quit without saving)或者x!(exit without saving)。 总之,要退出Linux的vi命令,可以按Esc键,然后输入冒号进入命令行模式,最后输入q并按...
Vim / Vi save and exit command Alternatively, run the command following command to quickly save and exit from Vim. :x Vi / Vim exit without saving To quit Vim without saving your changes, the command you should run is; :q! Vim / Vi exit without saving Close Vim While in normal mode,...
:q -> 退出文件 (exit file without save) :q! -> 强制退出 (force quite without save) :e filename -> 打开一个文件名为filename的文件 (open file to edit) :e! filename -> 强制打开一个文件,所有未保存的东西会丢失 (force open, drop dirty buffer) :saveas filename -> 另存为 filename ...
系统中,Vim是一款非常流行的文本编辑器,它可以帮助用户快速地编辑各种文本文件。在使用Vim编辑器的过程中,有时候我们可能会遇到退出但是没有保存修改的情况。 当我们在Vim中编辑一个文件时,通常我们需要用到以下命令来保存文件并退出 一个命令或者终端通常可以通过使用特定的快捷键或者命令来实现。然而,有时候我们可能需...
VIEditor+void editFile(String filename)+void saveFile()+void exitEditor()CustomPlugin+void enhanceEditing()+void addShortcuts() " 定制配置 set nu " 显示行号 set tabstop=4 " 设置 tab 为 4 个空格 autocmd BufWritePre * :%s/\s\+$//e " 保存前清除行尾空格 ...
To save your changes and exit Vi, you need to switch to the last-line mode. Here are some commands for saving and exiting: –:w: Save the changes made to the file –:q: Quit Vi if there are no unsaved changes –:q!: Quit Vi without saving any changes ...
Second, type:q!and press Enter. This tellsvito quit without saving any changes. (If you do want to save your changes, type:wqinstead.) 其次,输入:q!然后按Enter。 这告诉vi退出而不保存任何更改。 (如果确实要保存更改,请键入:wq。)
To Exitvi Usually the new or modified file is saved when you leavevi. However, it is also possible to quitviwithout saving the file. Note:The cursor moves to bottom of screen whenever a colon (:) is typed. This type of command is completed by hitting the<Return>(or<Enter>) key. ...
Q. How to save all files opened in Vim / Vi and quit the editor? Use:wqaor:xacommand in normal mode. This will write all modified files to their respective file names and exit the editor. Q. How do I quit all files in Vim without saving them?
Additionally, you can use shortcut methods. Press the[Esc]key and typeShift + Z Zto save and exit or typeShift+ Z Qto exit without saving the changes made to the file. Having learned the above commands, you can now proceed to learn advanced Vim commands from the links provided below: ...