退出vi编辑器,并保存文件的命令是。 Exit from the vi editor and save the file command.1、:w2、:q3、:q!4、:
Docker+runContainer()ViEditor+install()+editFile()+saveAndExit()+forceExit() 以上是类图的示例,展示了Docker和ViEditor之间的关系。ViEditor是Docker的一个子类,表示Vi编辑器在Docker中的功能。 5. 甘特图 2022-01-012022-01-012022-01-022022-01-022022-01-032022-01-032022-01-042022-01-042022-01-05202...
: WQ (enter WQ, save and exit VI) : q! (enter Q, do not save, force VI) 3, command line mode (command mode) function keys 1) insert mode Press "I" to switch to insert mode "insert mode", press "I" to enter the insert mode, then start the file from the current position of...
Vi is a powerful text editor that comes pre-installed on most Linux systems. It is a command-line editor with a steep learning curve, but once mastered, it provides a wide range of functionalities for editing text files. In this article, we will explore some of the commonly used commands ...
And, no matter what you type, you can’t find a way to exit or quit from the editor. Meanwhile, your file is getting pretty mangled and the seemingly random beeps are driving you crazy. 而且,无论您键入什么内容,都找不到退出编辑器的方法。 同时,您的文件变得非常混乱,看似随机的哔哔声使您...
: X: save the current fileand exit : Q: quit VI : Q: do not save the fileand exit VI : Command: execute the shellcommand, command : N1, N2, W, command: thecontents of the N1 to N2 line in the file are used as inputs and executed bythe command, if not ...
You can then name the file later when you exit vi. 6.1.2 The Status LineThe last line of the screen, called the status line, shows the name of the file and the number of lines and characters in the file. When you create a new file, as is the case with our example, the status ...
color schemeset background=darkcolor solarizednnoremap <silent><F4> :TlistToggle<CR>let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = '/usr/bin/ctags' "设定Linux系统中ctags程序的位置"let Tlist_Auto_Open = 1let Tlist_Show_One_File = 1 " 不同时显示多个文件的tag,只显示当前文件的let Tlist_Exit_Only...
在Linux系统中,`vi`(或`vim`)是一个常用的文本编辑器。保存并退出`vi`编辑器可以通过以下步骤完成: ### 基础概念 - **vi/vim**:`vi`是“Visual Editor...