vi/vim:vi(Visual Editor)是一个在Unix和类Unix系统中广泛使用的文本编辑器。vim(Vi Improved)是vi的一个增强版本,提供了更多的功能和改进。 复制一行的步骤 进入正常模式: 如果你不是在正常模式下,按Esc键进入正常模式。 移动光标到要复制的行: 使用方向键或h、j、k、l键将光标移动到你想复制的那一行。
Vi has three main modes Command mode, Insert mode and Command-Line mode.The editor begins in command mode, where cursor movement and copy/paste commands can be issued. If you are ever unsure which mode you're in, press Esc to return to command mode.Insert text (Insert mode): ...
To copy a line requires two commands: yy or Y ("yank") and either p ("put below") or P ("put above"). Note that Y does the same thing as yy. To yank one line, position the cursor anywhere on the line and type yy. Now move the cursor to the line above where you want the...
" we wanted to change the priority of our running shell script. Perhaps you tried this yourself and found that the command ran so fast that you didn't have enough time to accomplish the priority change withrenice. So let's start by using the vi editor to add a line at the...
command “o”. This will move the current line above its former occupied space, thus, creating a space below it. #8. How to Cut, Copy and Paste in VI Text Editor? #1. Copying For copying a particular text, you have to hit the command”y”, followed by the direction keys, which wi...
vi编辑器有三种模式:命令模式(Command Mode)、插入模式(Insert Mode)和底行模式(Last Line Mode,也称为Ex模式)。 命令模式:在此模式下,你可以移动光标、删除文本、复制粘贴等操作。 插入模式:在此模式下,你可以像普通文本编辑器一样输入文本。 底行模式:在此模式下,你可以保存文件、退出编辑器或执行其他命令。
Cut Copy Paste in Vi Editor Follow the steps given below to copy and paste using the visual mode. Enter the visual mode usingESC + vand move the cursor to select the string you want to copy. Use the capitalVto select the whole line. ...
While working you have to delete a line in the vim/vi editor, So you can follow the below-listed command VIM delete line command inside the articles that will guide you on how to delete single, multiple lines in VIM/VI Editor.
vim - Vi IMproved, a programmer's text editor. vim[options][file ..]vim[options]- vim[options]-t tag vim[options]-q[errorfile] vim 命令的选项非常多,但是大多时候我们并不需要用到,我们最常用的只是“vim [文件名]”。 一般情况下,我们还需要知道的是这两个选项:-r(恢复文件)和-R(只读模式)...
You start the vi editor by specifying the name of the file or files to be edited. If you supply more than oneFileparameter on the command line, the vi editor edits each file in the specified order. The vi editor on an existing file displays the name of the file, the number of lines...