:settabstop=4" 4个空格识别成tab,读到的\t解释成4个空格setnoexpandtab" 输入tab不转成空格:%retab!" 对当前缓冲区重新tab,!保证除行首同样转换 9. 状态栏 setlaststatus=2" 显示状态栏setruler" 显示鼠标所在行数在状态栏setcursorline" 高亮光标所在行" 配置状态栏显示格式setstatusline=%w%n:%f%m\ %...
. copy and paste yy : copy 光标所在的行 nyy: copy n line yw: copy 光标所在的单词 nyw: copy 光标所在位置到其后的n 个单词(未必是同一行)y$: copy 光标所在位置到行尾($是行尾的标示)ny$: copy 光标所在位置之后的n行(包括当前行,当前行=y$)p: paste 在光标所在位置之右 P...
vi cut, copy and paste a line in blocks TIn command mode, if you want to delete, cut or copynnumber of lines, just type the number before typing the command. For example,4ddwill delete four number of lines from the current line to the next three lines in downward direction. In case...
在命令状态下,nyy表示拷贝从光标行起的下n行内容,p表示paste,粘贴下来在光标处。 我常用到的单个字符替换用r,覆盖多个字符用R,用多个字符替换一个字符用s,整行替换用S :%s/old_word/new_word/g 这个指令是于在整个文件中替换特定字符串 将光标移到第n行,按下 mk ...
3、tion);Delete the text 3.6;3.7 modify and delete operation recovery recovery;3.8 visual mode;3.9 copy and paste operations;On line number 3.10;3.11 find and replace function;3.11.1 search;3.11.2 replacement;4, about the;5, postscript;6, reference documentation;7, the relevant documents;+te...
To delete everything from the beginning of the file to the current line, type d1G. This also deletes the line on which the cursor is located. 6.5.6 Copying and Moving Text -- Yank, Delete, and PutMany word-processors allow you to "copy and paste" and "cut and paste" lines of ...
In Vim you can split the text area in several parts to edit different files. Then you can compare the contents of two or more files and copy/paste text between them. There are many commands to open and close windows, jump between them, temporarily hide files, etc. Again you will have ...
...set paste set showcmd "用于设置在屏幕最后一行显示 (部分的) 命令。showmode 在插入、替换和可视模式里,在最后一行提供消息。...当这个选项打开时,Vim 会根据检测到的文件类型,在runtimepath中搜索该文件类型的所有插件并执行它们。 1.7K30 Linux 学习笔记之超详细基础linux命令 Part 4...