The Vi-CELL software interface has been designed for simplicity; yet offers numerous innovative features for those users demanding maximum flexibility. For many users the main screen may be the only one they need. Everything the user requires to log in samples and view results is right there....
VI-CELL XR CELL VIABILITY ANALYZER IT’S AS EASY AS 1 - 2 - 3 1 Load your sample 2 Login your sample 3 Run and view your resultsVi-CELL XR R&D, QC and Manufacturing Applications The Vi-CELL XR software interface has been designed for simplicity; yet offers numerous innovative features ...
贝克曼库尔特Vi-CELL XR细胞存活率分析计数器的新闻报道和使用,包含仪器评测,仪器新闻报道,新闻事件,使用维护,应用等信息,贝克曼库尔特细胞计数,全自动台盼蓝染料排除法;12 位转盘;分析时间快速;能够优化分析设置;低/中等通量;符合 21 CFR 第 11 部分
, and cell growth rate. The Vi-Cell XR automated cell counter is based on a trypan blue cell viability assay. Automating sample preparation and eliminating assay variability, the Vi-Cell XR can accommodate a range of cell types and measure up to 30x the volume of traditional cell counters....
Vi-Cell XR Cell Viability Analyzer User Instructions Written by CMCresson 15-Feb-06 The Vi-Cell XR Cell Viability Analyzer is a video imaging system used to analyze yeast, insect and mammalian cells. It automates the trypan blue exclusion protocol, in which dead cells take up the dye while...
百度爱采购为您找到4家最新的贝克曼 vicell 细胞计数仪产品的详细参数、实时报价、行情走势、优质商品批发/供应信息,您还可以免费查询、发布询价信息等。
Vi-CELL BLU 细胞计数及活性分析仪的评价,包含网友对此仪器全方位的评价、对此仪器的评语、印象等信息,贝克曼库尔特细胞计数,全自动台盼蓝染色排除法;处理量大;24 位旋转架;支持 96 插槽托盘;与 Vi-CELL XR 相比,分析速度更快;能够优化分析设置;促进满足 21 CFR 第
Vi-CellXRCellViabilityAnalyzer UserInstructions WrittenbyCMCresson15-Feb-06 TheVi-CellXRCellViabilityAnalyzerisavideoimagingsystemusedtoanalyzeyeast,insect andmammaliancells.Itautomatesthetrypanblueexclusionprotocol,inwhichdeadcellstake upthedyewhilelivecellsdonot,andprovidesdataonpercentviabilityandcellcounts. Ess...
Beckman贝克曼 全自动细胞计数仪Vi-cell XR 细胞存活率分析仪 全自动 细胞 江苏省科学器材有限公司 4年 查看详情 ¥2万 ~ 8万 赛默飞细胞计数器 自动聚焦和光强调节 厂家直销 细胞 赛默飞世尔科技(中国)有限公司 查看详情 ¥10.00万/台 Vicell细胞计数仪 数据导出便捷 表面圆润易清洁 贝克曼 在线交易 少货...
上海木森 二手贝克曼细胞计数仪 VI-CELL XR细胞存活率分析计数器细胞计数仪 真实性已核验 细胞计数仪 上海木森品牌 上海木森生物科技有限公司 1年 上海金山 查看详情 ¥6666.00元 ≥3台 二手贝克曼库尔特Vi-CELL XR细胞分析计数器 真实性已核验 细胞 贝克曼品牌 上海实维实验仪器技术有限公司 1年 上海 查...