独特的黄色、红色和蓝色轮廓颜色是经典故障效应的标志。 谁会介意经典? 同时将任何图片分解为两个相反的事物的标志:未来主义的杰作和90年代的怀旧怀旧照片。 许多男人,许多想法,我们相信您会在即将到来的项目之一中很好地使用这种立体VHS故障照片特效PS图层样式!
通过适当的小故障照片效果,你的图形可以成为网络现实的一部分!这个模板不仅扭曲了一幅图像,还增加了它在同一风格的其他艺术品中被看到的机会。此外,采用垂直格式,只需点击几下就可以制作海报! 典型的小故障效果特征是独特的黄色、红色或蓝色轮廓颜色。谁不喜欢经典?您可以将任何图像转换为具有纹理样式和瑕疵样式的未来...
复古半调颗粒波点纸张漫画风打印印刷PSD特效样机Comic Print Photo Effect 158 复古打印印刷复印颗粒噪点纸张肌理PSD特效样机Retro Copy Print Photo Effect 140 复古Y2K颗粒胶片噪点图片叠加滤镜肌理纹理PSD特效样机Vintage Glow Photo Effect 139 6款复古赛博朋克未来科技特效唱片专辑封面海报设计PSD分层源文件pixflow – Alb...
-Give your photos and old effect by applying any of the vintage filters LomoCam includes. -Edit the photos you have in your camera roll and edit as many features you want to make your photo look perfect. -Take inspiration from the Internet and edit online pictures with in ...
Dive into the world of photo editing and get likes with the best shots. We have opened access to all filters! App Privacy The developer,Siarhei Marozau, indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see thedeveloper’s priv...
VHS Glitch Photoshop actions and PSD mockupsfor creating thisTV distortion effect in Photoshop. Animated Glitch Computer Screen Error Photoshop Action If you don'thave Photoshop, you can use the MockoFun online photo editor to make a 3D anaglyph effect. You can use the(Chromatic aberration) filt...
VHS PHOTO EFFECT 复古怀旧VHS老式录像带故障风图像照片滤镜ps样机素材特效模板 添加收藏 byEFYIZ®CO 50 素材编号 S500850 源文件格式 atn, jpg, psd 容量 37 MB 分辨率 非统一尺寸 备注 源文件中不包含配图 商业许可 仅限学习交流,不可商用 发布时间 ...
复古迷幻科技VHS电视显示器CRT扭曲故障毛刺文本标题logo徽标特效PSD样机CRT Machine Photo Effect-第7669期- 关于产品 让我们沉浸在科技怀旧中,创造真实的 1960 年代至 1990 年代末的视觉效果。这一切都与失真经典有关:故障、像素和 CRT 图形。 在追求 Y2K 美学时,您可能会偶然发现永恒和传奇的东西。事情就是这样:...
If you don'thave Photoshop, you can use the MockoFun online photo editor to make a 3D anaglyph effect. You can use theColor Fringe(Chromatic aberration) filter and theAnaglyph filter. Anaglyph Effect Online| Online Photo Editor If you are looking for a good Photoshop alternative use the Moc...
A resounding effect is created onto all those obsessed with capturing salacious footage for no other purpose than to amuse or titillate. Soon the discovery becomes that they themselves are the stars of the next video, one where they face their own death. latest vhs V/H/S 94 First Look...