在VHDL中,左移运算符通常使用sll(Shift Logical Left)表示。其基本语法如下: vhdl result <= signal_name sll shift_amount; result:左移操作的结果。 signal_name:要进行左移操作的位矢量信号。 shift_amount:要移动的位数,通常是一个整数类型的表达式。 3. VHDL左移运算符的使用示例 以下是一个简单的VH...
例:x <= “01001”,那么: y<= x sll 2; – 逻辑左移2位,y<="00100” (shift-left logical) y<= x sla 2; – 算术左移2位,y<="00111” (shift-left arithmetic) y<= x srl 3; – 逻辑右移3位,y<="00001” y<= x sra 3; – 算术右移3位,y<="00001” y<= x rol 2; – 循...
SLL(Shift Left Logical): 逻辑左移,将位向量左移,右边移空位补零。 SRL(Shift Right Logical): 逻辑右移,将位向量右移,左边移空位补零。 SLA(Shift Left Arithmetic): 算数左移,将位向量左移,右边第一位数值保持不变。 SRA(Shift Right Arithmetic): 算数右移,将位向量右移,左边第一位数值保持不变。 R...
Performing shifts in VHDL is done via functions:shift_left()and shift_right(). The functions take two inputs: the first is the signal to shift, the second is the number of bits to shift. Shifting is a quick way to create aShift Register. There are two types of shifts: Logical and Ar...
<relation_expression_left> <logical_operator> < relation_expression_right> VHDL中的逻辑运算符包括如下几种: NOT -- 右边表达式的逻辑结果取逻辑反,这是一个单目的操作符; AND -- 左右两边表达式的逻辑结果取逻辑与,即同为true才返回true,否则返回false; ...
RES <= A XOR B; -- logical xor WHEN "1110" => RES <= (NOT A) + (NOT B); -- random operation WHEN "1111" => RES <= (A + B) AND (A OR B); -- another random operation WHEN OTHERS=> RES <= "00000000"; END CASE; ...
I need to code an ALU that can perform different function base on the op code, add, subtract, logical shift left and right. namely these: https://www.alteraforum.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=8404 Now my main problem right now is.. i have no clue how to implem...
RES <= A XOR B; -- logical xor WHEN "1110" => RES <= (NOT A) + (NOT B); -- random operation WHEN "1111" => RES <= (A + B) AND (A OR B); -- another random operation WHEN OTHERS => RES <= "00000000"; END CASE; ...
LFSR – Linear Feedback Shift Register Multiplexer (Mux) VHDL Operators Logical Operators andLogical AndorLogical OrnandLogical NandnorLogical NorxorLogical XorxnorLogical Xnor Relational Operators =Equal/=Not Equal<Less Than<=Less Than or Equal To>Greater Than>=Greater Than or Equal To ...
26、符,可以分别进行逻辑运算类操作符,可以分别进行逻辑运算(Logical)、关系运算关系运算(Relational)、算术运算算术运算(Arithmetic)、并置运算并置运算(Concatenation)要求运算符左右的数据类型必须相同,要求运算符左右的数据类型必须相同,AND 逻辑与逻辑与OR 逻辑或逻辑或NAND 与非与非NOT 逻辑非逻辑非NOR 或非或非XOR...