Info (10499): VHDL information at azhar.vhd(devil): object "modulatore30aprile" is declared here Info: Found 0 design units, including 0 entities, in source file modulatore30aprile.vhd Info: Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file modulatore30apriletest...
If I declared the real number in port, it was not synthetic.what should I calculate the real ...
在上面的代码中,第29行引用了一个名为 clk 的对象,但是并没有声明这个对象。VHDL 编译器无法确定 clk 是一个信号还是一个变量,所以报出了错误。为了修复这个问题,应该在实体部分中声明 clk 对象,例如:这样,clk 对象就声明了,VHDL 编译器就可以识别这个对象了。
In my Top vhdl file and in my testbench i have declared it like this : LIBRARY ieee;USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;-- USE IEEE.std_logic_arith.ALL;USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;USE ieee.numeric_std.ALL;use ieee.math_real.all;USE std.textio.ALL; Library work;use
The component derives the serial clock scl from two GENERIC parameters declared in the ENTITY, input_clk and bus_clk. The input_clk parameter must be set to the input system clock clk frequency in Hz. The default setting in the example code is 50 MHz (the frequency at which the component...
step1. 用vhdlcom将所有的VHDL RTL代码编译成库 1.1 将所有的vhdl文件放到vhdl.f文件中,如: ...
缺少元件addsub_ovcy的声明。你在addsub_ovcy_1 : addsub_ovcy...中例化了模板元件 addsub_ovcy,但是却没有在结构体开始的地方声明这个元件。
begin U0:前面加上这句:SIGNAL time_is_up :STD_LOGIC;SIGNAL o,remain_time:STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);