> greater than >= greater than or equal Logical operators: not a true if a is false a and b true if a and b are true a or b true if a or b are true a nand b true if a or b is false a nor b true if a and b are false a xor b true if exactly one of a or b are...
CD4585是一个4位数值比较器,它具有两组4位输入信号a(3)~a(0)和b(3)~b(0), 3个级联输入信号a_g_b、a_e_b和a_l_b,以及3个输出信号a_greater_than_b、a_equal_to_b和a_less_than_b,如下图所示。LIBRARY IEEE;USE IEEE.Std_logic_1164.ALL;ENTITY cd4585 IS PORT (a_g_b...
Logical Operators andLogical AndorLogical OrnandLogical NandnorLogical NorxorLogical XorxnorLogical Xnor Relational Operators =Equal/=Not Equal<Less Than<=Less Than or Equal To>Greater Than>=Greater Than or Equal To Concatenation Operator &Concatenate...
Logical Operators andLogical AndorLogical OrnandLogical NandnorLogical NorxorLogical XorxnorLogical Xnor Relational Operators =Equal/=Not Equal<Less Than<=Less Than or Equal To>Greater Than>=Greater Than or Equal To Concatenation Operator &Concatenate...
(v1.0) December 01, 2004 27 VHDL Synthesis Reference Relational Operators VHDL provides the following relational operators: = Equal to /= Not equal to > Greater than < Less than >= Greater than or equal to <= Less than or equal to The equality operators ( = and /= ) are defined for...
The relational (comparison) operators are:=Equal to/=Not equal to Greater than=Greater than or equal to(5)Shift Operatorssll Shift left log 32、ic positions on the right are filled with 0ssrl Shift right logic positions on the left are filled with 0sROLROR& SIGNAL g,h,i:STD_LOGIC;...
The highest level of abstraction is thebehaviorallevel that describes a system in terms of what it does (or how it behaves) rather than in terms of its components and interconnection between them. A behavioral description specifies the relationship between the input and output signals. This could...
oRTN - Return from JSR (Return from Subroutine) oRTI - Return from Interrupt oBE - Branch Equal, Zero, Not Equal, or Not Zero oBLT - Branch Less Than, Negative, Greater than and Equal, Not Negative oBGT - Branch Greater Than, Positive, Less than and Equal, Not PositiveWire...
第五章VHDL主要描述语句 VHDL主要描述语句 在结构体(ARCHITECTURE)中执行的语句硬件描述的特点 并行处理语句 顺序处理语句 在进程(PROCESS)函数(FUNCTION)过程(PROCEDURE)中执行的语句 高级语言的特点 一、顺序描述语句 顺序语句只能出现在进程(Process)、函数(Function)和过程(Procedure)中;顺序语句像...