Strategies to Reduce Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma In Kentucky: Is Parental Education the Key? - ScienceDirect Strategies to reduce pediatric abusive head trauma in Ken- tucky: is parental education the key? J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 2011;40: S27-8... ...
We present a compact cold-wall oven that is simple to build and align for loading miniature ion traps with calcium ions. The cold-wall oven, which is a metal-loaded capillary heated only through a portion of its length by the passage of a current, is described and characterized. An atomic...
摘要: 为了进一步探讨和验证二氧化碳气肥在大棚栽培中的肥效反应,山亭区农业局引进了山东淄博产平衡式B27-Ⅱ型二氧化碳气肥发生器,根据硫酸和碳酸氢铵反应生成二氧化碳气肥和优质氮肥硫酸铵的原理,在草莓大棚中安装使用,其施用效果如下.关键词:二氧化碳气肥 肥效 大棚草莓 施用效果 大棚栽培 优质 氮肥 反应 淄博 ...
目的探讨和分析在复发性流产患者中低分子肝素和阿司匹林的效果。方法此次抽取2015年9月~2018年4月在我院医治的复发性流产患者(196例)当分析的对象,以入院顺序分乙组... 刘晓菊 - 《海峡药学》 被引量: 0发表: 2018年 低分子肝素与小剂量阿司匹林联合可有效治疗复发性流产探究 目的 研究低分子肝素与小剂量阿司匹...
I make six arguments for why double-blind peer review practices increase vulnerability to scientific integrity lapses over more transparent peer review practices: (1) obscuring data from reviewers is detrimental; (2) obscuring sponsorship makes bias harder to detect; (3) author networks can be revea...
The inviolable box comprises a casing (2) with anchoring recesses at the end for a sealing cap (3). The latter has a base portion (32) bearing against thec and the casing end, and a spigot (31) fitting inside the end, and on the sides of... BOUCHE, ALAIN 被引量: 0发表: 1993...
作者: 陈紫微 摘要: 《红楼梦》中,林黛玉的诗词众多,这些诗词,从不同方面反映了她的不同性格.《题帕三绝》写出了她至死不渝的理想爱情追求;《五美吟》写出了她坚决反抗封建礼教的决心;《如梦令》和《桃花行》写出了她对于爱情破灭和自身命薄的哀愁;《葬花吟》写出了她的矜持自重,小心戒备;《琴曲》写出了...
On 27 August, Greek shipping company Athenian Sea Carriers took delivery of a VLCC from the Hyundai Heavy Industries shipyard in Ulsan, South Korea.The 317,441 dwt Athenian Victory - the first of four sister vessels on order with HHI for this operator - was ordered in 2006. The second vess...
PURPOSE:To prevent the growth of a molded form at the downstream end of a cap by a method wherein a discharging flow passage is constituted of a two-step structure consisting of an upstream side lattice forming flow passage and a downstream side stress mitigating flow passage and the width ...