全俄国家电视广播公司(俄语:Всероссийскаягосударственнаятелевизионнаяирадиовещательнаякомпания, ВГТРК,罗马化:Vserossíyskaya gosudárstvennaya televiziónnaya i radioveshchátel'naya kompániya, VGTRK),是俄罗斯...
全俄国家电视广播公司(俄语:Всероссийскаягосударственнаятелевизионнаяирадиовещательнаякомпания, ВГТРК,罗马化:Vserossíyskaya gosudárstvennaya televiziónnaya i radioveshchátel'naya kompániya, VGTRK),是...
必应词典为您提供vgtrk的释义,网络释义: 俄罗斯广播电视台;俄罗斯国家广播电视公司;俄罗斯国家电视广播公司;
The article discusses the redesigning and reconstruction work made by the Walters-Storyk Design Group, an international architectural firm specializing in broadcast and recording facilities, of the VGTRK Sound Recording Studios in Moscow, Russi...
VGTRK is a holding that unites several tele¬, radio and internet¬kompany. Its audience is 98.5% of the population of the Russian Federation and more than 50 million people in the entire former USSR. This is one of the largest players in the Russian Internet. The total number of...
佩斯科夫告诉 VGTRK 记者扎鲁宾,普京真诚地相信与联邦德国的合作,并为此竭尽全力,但这显然与默克尔的真实想法不符。 佩斯科夫认为,默克尔的回忆录揭示了她最初的态度,从而导致了明斯克协议的欺骗。这是俄罗...
Oleg Dobrodeyev, general director of the All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, sent greetings to all of his Chinese friends and wished them a happy Chinese New Year. He made the remarks at the China Media Group (CMG) Forum held on Wednesday in Beijing. ...
俄罗斯VGTRK媒体集团的一名电视摄制组在乌克兰东部的顿巴斯地区遭到攻击,其声音工程师伊戈尔·乌克林(Igor Uklein)受伤,Rossiya 1电视台周五报道。“我们的记者Alexander Sladkov的电视工作人员受到了攻击,声音工程师Igor Uklein受了伤。”“60分钟”节目的主持人说:“这是同样的炮击事件,在那个被称为Mamai的呼号下...
汇通财经APP讯——克里姆林宫:国家媒体公司VGTRK遭遇了前所未有的黑客攻击。 【免责声明】本文仅代表作者本人观点,与汇通财经无关。汇通财经对文中陈述、观点判断保持中立,不对所包含内容的准确性、可靠性或完整性提供任何明示或暗示的保证,且不构成任何投资建议,请读者仅作参考,并自行承担全部风险与责任。
摘要: MOSCOW. Oct 24 (Interfax) - All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK) Deputy General Director Julia Bystritskaya (Rakcheyeva) has become the head of the TV Center Moscow channel, Moscow Vice-Mayor Alexander Gorbenko told Interfax on Wednesday....