PyTorch Face Recognizer based on 'VGGFace2: A dataset for recognising faces across pose and age' pytorch face-recognition face-detection vggface vgg-face vggface2 Updated Jun 17, 2018 Python grib0ed0v / face_recognition.pytorch Star 151 Code Issues Pull requests Deep Face Recognition in ...
PyTorch Face Recognizer based on 'VGGFace2: A dataset for recognising faces across pose and age'. This repo implements training and testing models, and feature extractor based on models for VGGFace2 [1]. Pretrained modelsfor PyTorch are converted fromCaffe modelsauthors of [1] provide. Dataset ...
PyTorch Face Recognizer based on 'VGGFace2: A dataset for recognising faces across pose and age' - cydonia999/VGGFace2-pytorch
问InceptionResnet (vggface2)给出不正确的面部预测EN面部识别是计算机视觉中最大的研究领域之一。现在,我们可以使用面部识别来解锁手机,在安全门上验证身份,并在某些国家/地区进行刷脸支付。许多公司都投资于面部识别技术的研究和开发,本文将重点介绍其中的一些研究,并介绍五篇有关人脸识别的机器学习论文。
The authors of VGFFace2 provide the source code for their models, as well as pre-trained models that can be downloaded with standard deep learning frameworks such as Caffe and PyTorch, although there are not examples for TensorFlow or Keras. We could convert the provided models to Ten...
SE-ResNet-50-256D256Y0.9120.965Caffe,MatConvNet,PyTorch SE-ResNet-50-128D128Y0.9100.959Caffe,MatConvNet,PyTorch Compatibility Caffe: SE models use the "Axpy" layer which is a combination of two consecutive operationschannel-wise scaleandelement-wise summation(More information can be foundhere....
Computer vision web application, built to predict the age, race, and gender of all individuals present in an image. Trained using PyTorch on the VGGFace2 and UTKFace datasets flaskcomputer-visionpytorchvggface2 UpdatedDec 8, 2022 Python
PyTorch Face Recognizer based on 'VGGFace2: A dataset for recognising faces across pose and age' pytorch face-recognition face-detection vggface vgg-face vggface2 Updated Jun 17, 2018 Python grib0ed0v / face_recognition.pytorch Star 152 Code Issues Pull requests Deep Face Recognition in ...
2018-10-01Models imported to PyTorch. Example scripts for cropping faces and evaluating on IJB-B can be found in the folder 'standard_evaluation'. 2018-09-18Models with lower-dimensional embedding layers for feature representation. 2018-04-10New models trained on VGGFace2 (see below). Training...