VFW Collects School Supplies for Iraqi ChildrenRead the full-text online article and more details about "VFW Collects School Supplies for Iraqi Children" - VFW Magazine, Vol. 92, Issue 9, June/July 2005Politics and Government MagazinesVFW Magazine...
If the capture driver supplies frames in a compressed format, this call attempts to decompress the frame before writing the file. Requirements RequirementValue Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only] Minimum supported server ...
Whether your organization’s property is damaged by fire, wind, hail, theft or vandalism, there is always the chance of some damage occurring. This damage can also impact the contents of your buildings, including your equipment, furnishings, computers, inventory and supplies. Fire, theft and oth...
fDriverSuppliesPalettes Driver palette flag. The value of this member is TRUE if the driver can create palettes. hVideoIn Not used in Win32 applications. hVideoOut Not used in Win32 applications. hVideoExtIn Not used in Win32 applications. hVideoExtOut Not used in Win32 applications. Requi...
fDriverSuppliesPalettes 驱动程序面板标志。 如果驱动程序可以创建调色板,则此成员的值为 TRUE。 hVideoIn 不在Win32 应用程序中使用。 hVideoOut 不在Win32 应用程序中使用。 hVideoExtIn 不在Win32 应用程序中使用。 hVideoExtOut 不在Win32 应用程序中使用。 要求 展开表 要求值 最低受支持的客户端 Wind...
fDriverSuppliesPalettes驅動程式調色盤旗標。 如果驅動程式可以建立調色盤,則此成員的值為 TRUE。hVideoIn在Win32 應用程式中未使用。hVideoOut在Win32 應用程式中未使用。hVideoExtIn在Win32 應用程式中未使用。hVideoExtOut在Win32 應用程式中未使用。
fDriverSuppliesPalettes Driver palette flag. The value of this member isTRUEif the driver can create palettes. hVideoIn Not used in Win32 applications. hVideoOut Not used in Win32 applications. hVideoExtIn Not used in Win32 applications. ...
fDriverSuppliesPalettesDriver palette flag. The value of this member is TRUE if the driver can create palettes.hVideoInNot used in Win32 applications.hVideoOutNot used in Win32 applications.hVideoExtInNot used in Win32 applications.hVideoExtOut...
fDriverSuppliesPalettes 驅動程式調色盤旗標。 如果驅動程式可以建立調色盤,則此成員的值為TRUE。 hVideoIn 在Win32 應用程式中未使用。 hVideoOut 在Win32 應用程式中未使用。 hVideoExtIn 在Win32 應用程式中未使用。 hVideoExtOut 在Win32 應用程式中未使用。
typedefstructtagCapDriverCaps{UINT wDeviceIndex; BOOL fHasOverlay; BOOL fHasDlgVideoSource; BOOL fHasDlgVideoFormat; BOOL fHasDlgVideoDisplay; BOOL fCaptureInitialized; BOOL fDriverSuppliesPalettes; HANDLE hVideoIn; HANDLE hVideoOut; HANDLE hVideoExtIn; ...