VFW Auxiliary serves veterans, the military and their families in honor of the sacrifices and commitment of every man and woman who has served in uniform.
VFW Ladies Auxiliary Welcomes National PresidentBy Debra Bellof the Weekly StaffWhen Veterans of Foreign War Ladies Auxiliary President...Hamlin, Ardeana
VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4364,VFW Post4364 has been a Department of Florida all State for the past six years. All American 2017 and 2021.
VFW Auxiliary serves veterans, the military and their families in honor of the sacrifices and commitment of every man and woman who has served in uniform.
//vfwauxiliary.org/" target="_blank">Aux National | Aux Dept of CA | VFW Store © 2014-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); VFW Post 10049. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy<!-- #EndLibraryItem
VFW Auxiliary serves veterans, the military and their families in honor of the sacrifices and commitment of every man and woman who has served in uniform.
PROFILE: ; Charleston woman to lead national VFW auxiliary groupRusty Marks