The VFMSS consists in the synchronic execution of VFSS and manometry; therefore, manometry completes VFSS morphologic features providing for functional data. Examination is performed inserting a manometric catheter with endoluminal solid-state microtransducers followed by the same procedure of VFSS. ...
3个月宝宝哭闹不停,检查发现脊椎受伤,因妈妈这样给娃换尿不湿2019-11-12 17:15:45 妈妈们请回答 举报 0 分享至 0:00 / 0:00 速度 洗脑循环 Error: Hls is not supported. 视频加载失败 妈妈们请回答 3257粉丝 在成长过程中,孩子给了我动力 02:17 孩子以后会不会成器,就看他是否有这种表现,有...