Step 1: ① Visa applicants access the VFS Global UK visa official website at click on the navigation bar "Track Your Application". ② Or, directly enter the "Track Your Application" page...
If you have submitted your application at the TLScontact centre on or before 11 December 2024 to track the status of your application please visit
第一步: ① 签证申请人进入威孚VFS Global英国签证中心官网网站,点击上方导航栏“查询您的申请进度” ② 或者,直接输入网址进入“申请进度查询”页面。 第二步:点击“在线查询您的申请进度” 第三步:输入...
1、先把过去英国录取指纹时候的小白单找出来(参考号码是申请人递交完材料后,签证中心给到的一个回单,上面有一组数字 查询时候需要用到) 2、登录英国签证中心网站: 3、点击【追踪申请进度】track your visa application status online 4、输入 受理号【目前...
The Short Messaging Service ('SMS') where provided to update the visa applicant on current status of their Application. The SMS is based on the information provided by UK Visas and Immigration (hereinafter referred to as “The Embassy”). ...
Checking the status of your UK visa decision is an important step in the application process, where this will allow you to stay informed and can give you an idea of how much longer you may have to wait for a decision. The standard and priority processing times are only guidelines. As suc...
of visa applications from the European Union is stored within the European Union (EU) boundary. The data of applicants other than that from the EU may be stored in VFS Global systems either within the EU boundary at our data centre in UK (London) or at our data centre in India (Mumbai...
签证材料如下: ...
The ability to balance traveller visa and fulfil the consulate requirements required a high level of diligence and human touch; the team at VFS are able to deliver both. Arun Lazaran India VFS Global has been giving my team exceptional support and customer service, especially during the peak mo...
做为申请英国签证的一个步骤,申请人需要到签证中心接受指纹采集(并非面试)。无论你是通过中介办理还是自助办理,你都必须亲自到签证中心,不能由其他人代替。进大学会在你的申请进行到此阶段的时候为你安排并且预约指纹采集的时间。 中国境内英国签证中心 城市地址邮编办公时间 ...