“This grant aims to provide a valuable opportunity for aspiring young economists and researchers to engage in independent socio-economic research and public policy engagement for development of Sri Lanka and the wider South Asian region,” IPS said. The grant is open to undergraduate students curren...
Applicants need anappointmentto visit the Visa application Centre. What are the documents required for submission at the centre? Information on the documents required for submission is on thewebsite. What should I do after submitting my application? Log on to thewebsiteto know the status of your...
NepalandSriLankamustlodgetheir visaandairporttransitvisaapplication withtheGermanEmbassiesin KathmanduandColomborespectively whichissuevisaonHungary`sbehalf. Thevisaapplicationprocedureand conditionsforissuingvisasarethe sameasifyouwishtovisitGermany. Therefore,youareadvisedtoreferto ...
Holders of a multiple-entry visa may lodge the application before the expiry of the visa valid for a period of at least six months. DO I NEED AN APPOINTMENT FOR SUBMITTING MY APPLICATION? Applicants may be required to obtain an appointment for the lodging of an application. You are invited ...