If you have submitted your application at the VFS global centre on or after 14 January 2025, you will receive an email when your decision has been returned to the VFS Visa Application Centre. If you can’t access email easily, or would like more detailed tracking information, you may also...
The ability to balance traveller visa and fulfil the consulate requirements required a high level of diligence and human touch; the team at VFS are able to deliver both. Arun Lazaran India VFS Global has been giving my team exceptional support and customer service, especially during the peak mo...
② 或者,直接输入网址https://visa.vfsglobal.com/chn/zh/gbr/track-application进入“申请进度查询”页面。 Step 2: Click on "Track Your Visa Application Status Online". 第二步:点击“在线查询您的申请进度” Step 3: Use the Reference Number present on the invoice/receipt issued by the Visa Applica...
方法一:访问进度查询网站https://www.vfsvisaonline.com/Global-Passporttracking/Track/,输入收据上的受理编号(Rrference Number)和申请人的出生日期(Date Of Birth ),并输入验证码,确认后就可以看到签证办理进度。 方法二:签证中心电话+86-020-29106152(咨询时间:8:00至17:00) 方式三:电子邮件查询申请进度 info...
① 签证申请人进入威孚VFS Global英国签证中心官网网站https://visa.vfsglobal.com/chn/zh/gbr/,点击上方导航栏“查询您的申请进度” ② 或者,直接输入网址https://visa.vfsglobal.com/chn/zh/gbr/track-application进入“申请进度查询”页面。 ...
网址:https://visa.vfsglobal.com/chn/zh/che/track-application 有中文和英文两种语言。输入你邮箱里...
① 签证申请人进入威孚VFS Global英国签证中心官网网站https://visa.vfsglobal.com/chn/zh/gbr/,点击上方导航栏“查询您的申请进度” ② 或者,直接输入网址 https://visa.vfsglobal.com/chn/zh/gbr/track-application进入“申请进度查询”页面。 第二步:点击“在线查询您的申请进度” ...
Status tracking via SMS alert & dedicated helpline Complete adherence to WHO and local health guidelines By clicking “Accept All Cookies”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts....
No, the Swiss Visa Application Centre will not accept collective fees at the centre at the time of submission. What is the procedure to get my passport back? Once you receive a notification (by online tracking, email and SMS) that your passport has been returned, you will need to bring ...
查询网址 : https://www.vfsvisaonline.com/Global-Passporttracking/Track/Inde +2 分享72 艺术留学吧 桥桥yeah 居留到期怎么办? 关于延长居留有效期的重要通知来了!一场疫情,让不少小伙伴滞留在国内无法返回意大利,在此期间更有同学担心自己的居留过期,无法返回意大利继续上学。 同学们,莫慌莫慌!意大利驻华大使馆...