Consulate General of Italy in London的地址:Harp House, 83-86 Farringdon St, Farringdon, LondonEC4A 4BL 预约时间查询 第一步大家先要查询是否有合适的时间! 意大利领事馆的官方网站点击去。 可以看到Visas。先别着急,先往下拉,哈哈。 上面的页面往下拉,可以看到Prenota OnLine,点进去。 进去后拉到该页面的...
2. 准备面签所需要的纸质资料 所需要的纸质资料清单链接: ①填写完整的申请表(链接:,打印出来并签字 ②预约单,上面有预约好的面签时...
The SMS is based on the information provided by the Embassy of Italy (“The Embassy”) The time to deliver the SMS is dependent on several factors such as upon the traffic on the mobile network and whether the visa applicant mobile phone is within reach and switched on and cannot therefore...
上海意大利签证中心的营业时间为每周一、周三和周五上午09:00至12:00递交签证申请和护照领取时间(公共节假日除外)。 请注意,若您想递交签证申请,需通过意大利签证中心官方网站(在线预约,方可进入中心办理...
VFS Global是中华人民共和国国内唯一由意大利驻华大使馆授权的递交办理意大利签证的单位。我们诚挚地通知您:自2023年3月6日起,每周一至周五,针对个人签证申请,必须通过意大利签证中心官方网站(进行在线预约后,方可进入中心办理此业务。如若遇到系统卡顿...
We work globally, click on the link to find out more 3558 Application Centres 158 Countries of Operation 68 Client Governments Testimonials What our customers say about us I have been in the UAE for around 30+ years and have never experienced this level of convenience. Everything was swift, ...
I hold a passport from xx country/region, do I need a visa to entry Italy? Please refer to the website more information. How to apply for a visa? Do I need to make an appointment? Do I need to take an interview? How to make an appoint...
VFS Global Italy in Casablanca, Morocco, has terrible service. After a long passport verification process, their system shows an "error of value" when entering my application number. Too many technical issues! Now my mom has to travel to Casablanca and pay extra fees to fix an error caused ...
Find Visas is a Schengen Visa Appointment Provider Company we facilitates express services to UK based customers. We Provide Our Services to All the Residents of the UK Who Are Looking for Tourist and Business Visa ( including Italy visa, Belgium Visa, Spain Visa, Poland Visa, Switzerlad Visa...
A person named Madhur Bhosdiwala and Deepika Patil in VFS Italy Delhi office have cheated bunch of applicants by stealing away the money by asking for bribes for some guillable students who didn't know the process, clear case of forgery.I don't understand how these call center fraudsters an...