airporttransitvisafortransiting betweenterminalsatBudapestLiszt FerencInternationalAirportin Hungary.Airporttransitvisasection providesfurtherdetailsonthis. Pleasenotethatnationalsof NepalandSriLankamustlodgetheir visaandairporttransitvisaapplication withtheGermanEmbassiesin ...
VFS Global will also expand its network of additional paid application centres bringing the visa application process closer to home for customers through partnerships with popular hotels and resorts. It currently offers these in India, the UAE and the US through hotel partners in those countries...
The visa process is fairly straightforward for all travellers as applicants can fill out the online application and submit it in person at any one of the VFS Global Visa Application Centres in five cities of India. This year, we opened more centres in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal for the...