德国驻华使领馆与其签约服务商VFS.GLOBAL是合作关系。VFS.GLOBAL协助接收签证申请,将完整的申请材料包括支付的签证费转交给相应的使馆或领馆签证处,并代为返还护照。签证申请的审理则完全由德国驻华使馆或领馆负责。 VFS.GLOBAL在全国15个大中城市设立了签证中心,其业务受德国驻华使馆或领馆的监督。签证中心提供的服务包括...
mandatory documentation, and visa application decisions are entirely at the discretion of the respective governments. Processing times are also under their control. VFS Global has no role whatsoever.
-访问VFS签证中心网站( http://www. vfsglobal.cn/ireland/ch ina ),选择距离最近的签证中心进行预约。(北京 成都 重庆 福州 广州 ... 分享回复赞 移民吧 米阳米阳403 爱尔兰入学攻略-访问 爱尔兰签证与移民局网站 http://www.inis.gov.ie ,选择Study Visa,并进行在线签证申请。-访问VFS签证中心网站( http:...
.cd@vfshelpline.com 广州领区: germanvac.gz@vfshelpline.com 沈阳领区: germanvac.sy@vfshelpline.com 分享64 德国移民吧 onebignine 敲黑板:2月21号起,办理德签要去这些新地点前几日,德意志联邦共和国驻华使领馆网站上发布消息,将更换新的签约服务商,原本提供签证服务的中智签证公司将更换为“VFS.GLOBAL”...
咨询时间:08:00 – 17:00 (周一—周五)09:00-13:00(周六)电子邮箱:info.germancn@vfshelp...
3. Fluent in German 4. Experience in handling a team of people or process 5. Basic knowledge of Computer Skills 6. Excellent Interpersonal skills 7. Customer Orientation 原标题:《Deputy Manager》 张女士半年前活跃 VFS Global·HR Manager
The Swedish Ministry of Justice has awarded VFS Global the global tender to provide visa services in 37 countries across the globe. Under this new agreement, VFS Global will continue to operate on behalf of the Government of Sweden in eight regions worldwide: South Asia, the Americas, South ...
There are tools available on the VFS Global website to help with visas and permits. Using the drop down, you can select the visiting country to get information on visas and permits. Travellers can make use of VFS’ visa and passport application processing services, identity management, verificat...
Residents of Qatar can now apply for their Bulgaria visas at the VFS Global Visa Application Centre in Doha. Inaugurated on Aug. 5, the center will accept documents for short-term and long-term visas, as well as requests for the legalization of Police Clearance Certificates to Bulgaria. The ...
VFS Global 咨询 未融资 更换职位 招聘中 使馆签证专员 - K 大道国际旅行社 旅游 更换职位 立即沟通 职位详情 北京 3-5年 本科 欧洲签证 Job Description 1. Manage all day to day activities (administrative and functional) conducted at the Visa Application Centre (VAC) which involves: * Document...