of visa applications from the European Union is stored within the European Union (EU) boundary. The data of applicants other than that from the EU may be stored in VFS Global systems either within the EU boundary at our data centre in UK (London) or at our data centre in India (Mumbai...
英国签证中心(VFS Global) 北京 地址:北京市东城区东水井胡同5号,北京 Inn,2号楼B座,9层A区,A901至919室 邮编:100010 办公时间:8:00-15:00 提示:(仅接受预约递交申请) 武汉 地址:湖北省武汉市武昌区中北路171号 汉街总部国际 c栋302 邮编:430071 办公时间:08:00 to 15:00 提示:(仅接受预约递交申请)...
of visa applications from the European Union is stored within the European Union (EU) boundary. The data of applicants other than that from the EU may be stored in VFS Global systems either within the EU boundary at our data center in UK (London) or at our data center in India (Mumbai...
VFS全球服务公司于2022年12月21日申请了名称为VFS. VFS.GLOBAL的第41类商标,商标注册号为68946116,由北京天平专利商标代理有限公司代理申请。
London, which stands beside the Thames with 900 years of history as a Royal Palace, fortress, prison, and place of execution. For over 600 years, Kings and Queens of England have stored crowns and robes at the Tower of London. Since the 1600s, the coronation regalia itself, commonly ...
Walk in appointments are only accepted for Hungary in the London, Manchester and Edinburgh Centres on working days between 8.30 am to 11 am. For additional information and clarification, feel free to contact our helpline:InfoUKHungary@vfsglobal.com ...
2024年伊始,威孚仕VFS Global意大利签证申请中心接连获得来自多个旅游机构的赞誉。2月,意大利签证申请中心荣获旅游机构颁发的“最佳签证服务中心”奖项。3月,上海意大利签证中心获得“2023精诚合作”和“2023杰出服务”两项荣誉。4月,上海意大利签证中心获得“高效服务”和“最佳支持”两项认可。同时,北京意大利签证中心获得...
商标名称 VFS GLOBAL 国际分类 第41类-教育娱乐 商标状态 商标转让 申请/注册号 6808982 申请日期 2008-06-27 申请人名称(中文) VFS全球服务公司;VFSGLOBALSERVICESPLC 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 英国,伦敦EC2A 2BT,威尔逊街66号,3楼;3RD FLOOR, 66 WILSON STREET, LONDON, EC2A 2BT, UNITED ...
Kiss at London VFS Global Office. I would like to express my profound gratitude to Ms/Mrs. Kiss at the London VFS Global office for her exceptional service, patience, and support. From our first interaction to my most recent visit today, she has consistently demonstrated professionalism and ...
①填写完整的申请表(链接:https://visa.vfsglobal.com/one-pager/italy/uk/london/pdf/2020_application_form.pdf),打印出来并签字 ②预约单,上面有预约好的面签时间和所约的签证中心地址 ③护照原件及复印件(复印护照首页两份,之前获取的签证页如英国签证页各一份),护照有效期至少比您从意大利旅行返回日期后 3...