In other airports, you may ask the approach controller to obtain your clearance. Can you fly VFR in scattered clouds? John: “The short answer is yes. You may legally fly on top as long as you can maintain the appropriate VFR cloud clearances. ... The only regulatory restriction is that...
“The short answer isyes. You may legally fly on top as long as you can maintain the appropriate VFR cloud clearances. ... The only regulatory restriction is that student pilots are not allowed to fly above a cloud layer without ground reference. Can you fly VFR at night? Pilots can fly...
preflight decision making, as these pilots shouldn’t have taken off. But pilots can also get into IMC if good weather very slowly deteriorates to bad weather. We also talk about how to avoid getting into these kinds of accidents, and what to do if you accidentally fly into a cloud. ...
when we get a “resolution advisory” (RA), to do what the TCAS tells us (ie. climb, descend). We can legally ignore it ifbothpilots have the traffic and it is no factor, but on an approach that’s a hard thing to do.
“The short answer isyes. You may legally fly on top as long as you can maintain the appropriate VFR cloud clearances. ... The only regulatory restriction is that student pilots are not allowed to fly above a cloud layer without ground reference....