ForeFlight’s Aeronautical Maps feature incredibly fast Continuous Zoom technology and dynamic decluttering, powered by a completely rebuilt map engine. ForeFlight’s High Resolution Basemap depicts detailed ground features and cultural elements that you can individually toggle on and off. Map Layers...
Any private pilot flying below 10,000 feet can request a special VFR clearance from ATC and, if the clearance is granted, need only stay out of the clouds – no minimum distance is required. Do you need clearance for VFR corridor? All VFR aircraft operating in Class B airspace require a...
Aircraft flying in the National Airspace System operate under two basic categories of flight: Visual Flight Rules (VFR) and Instrument Flight Rules (IFR). While many different types of flights occur under these two rules, every aircraft that leaves the ground will fall into one, or both, of...
special VFR (visual flight rules) flight A VFR flight cleared by air traffic control to operate within Class B, C, D, and E surface areas in meteorological conditions below VMC (ICAO). VMC stands for visual meteorological condition.
VFR flight is based on the principle of “see and avoid.” The presumption made in establishing the basic VFR weather minimums is that aircraft flying at lower altitudes (i.e.,below 10,000 MSL) and/or in airspace with radar approach control and/or an operating control tower (i.e., Cl...
PAVE Personal Minimums Checklist Videos Mentioned in the Show 178 Seconds to Live video – Air Safety Institute If you love the show and want more, visit my Patreon page to see fun videos, breaking news, and other posts in the Posts section. And if you decide to make a small donation...
When I’d brought things back into line I spared a glance to the compass and was not surprised to discover I was heading in the wrong direction. Fortunately I was below terminal airspace, so I told my shyness to get out of the way and called for advice. The controlled gave me my loc...
“The lawsuit also says the pilot, AraGeorge Zobayan , was disciplined in 2015 for violating the visual flight rule minimums by flying into an airspace of reduced visibility. “ 据报道,该名也在事故中丧生的 50 岁的飞行员 AraGeorge Zobayan ,虽有大量为名人执飞的经历,并且具备二十多次执飞此航...
What are basic VFR minimums? Basic VFR Weather Minimums cloud ceiling at least 1,000 feet AGL; and. ground visibility at least 3 statute miles (usually measured by ATC but, if not available, flight visibility at least 3 statute miles as estimated by the pilot). ...