I've kept this deliberately simple, but you could easily extend this to include labels and flag values (perhaps to "pull out" one of the slices). Try to avoid putting too much code in the Paint() event, though–fetching slice data with a remote SQL query is probably not a good idea...
At the time of working on this project, I was using Visual FoxPro 5.0a and SQL Server 6.5. As I write this, I am using Visual FoxPro 6.0 and beta 3 of SQL Server 7.0. As a result, I expect some things to be different, but this may be a good chance to identify the benefits (o...
vfp函数大全(VFP function Daquan)Visual foxpro数据库函数 Adatabases () 将所有打开数据库的名称和路径放到内存变量数组中 Adbobjects () 把当前数据库中的命名连接名、关系名、表名或sql 视图名放到一个内存变量数组中 Afields () 把当前表的结构信息存放在一个数组中, 并且返回表的字段数 返回当前表或指定...
Excerpt from case study which highlights the use of Visual FoxPro 9.0 within the overall solution: The amount of data recorded for HACCP is fairly large, and it is stored on a database running Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000, part of Microsoft Windows Server System™ integrated server softwa...
Many a student ▲ selected to take part in the English competition, and more than one teacher ▲ them on speaking and writing. A. was; has coached B. were; have coached C. was; have coached D. were; has coached 查看完整题目与答案 患者的用药咨询包括 A. 新药信息 B. 药品名...
由于 SQL 具有语言简洁、方便实用、功能齐全 等优点,很快得到推广和应用,随着关系数据库的流行,SQL 在计算机界和广 大用户中已得到公认。1986 年 10 月美国国家标准局(ANSI)的数据库委员会颁 布了 SQL 的美国标准,作为标准关系数据库语言。1987 年 6 月,国际标准化组 织(ISO) 采纳 SQL 为关系数据库语言的...
> > to function and use the product for now. But..That meant I needed to find > > some alternative and permanent solution. One choice and the one that most > > of > > you would probably recommend would be for me to upsize to a SQL database ...
Because your group by clause is invalid. It was a bug in VFP7 and earlier to accept such invalid group by clause. Now you need to write the correct SQL instead. As a rule, all the fields listed in select that are not aggregate values should be also part of group by fields (otherwise...
Additionally, as you know, we’ve been working on a project codenamed Sedna for the past year or so. Sedna is built using the extensibility model of VFP9 and provides a number of new features including enhanced connectivity to SQL Server, integration with parts of the .NET framework, suppor...