ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 3-1 VFD-F Series 3.1 Basic Wiring Diagram Users must connect wires according to the following circuit diagram shown below. Do not plug a Modem or telephone line to the RS-485 communication port, permanent damage may result. Pins 1 2 are the power sources for the ...
Thesymbolsinthefunctioncodetablearedescribedasfollows: “”:TheparametercanbemodifiedwhentheACdriveisineitherstoporrunningstate. ☆ ; “”:TheparametercannotbemodifiedwhentheACdriveisintherunningstate ★ ; “●”:Theparameteristheactuallymeasuredvalueandcannotbemodified.; “*”:Theparameterisfactoryparameter...
lowingsymbols: CAUTION!Cautionemphasizesamatterinorderto drawspecialattentiontoit. Note!Notegivesadditionalinformationorpoints outmoreinformationavailableonthesubject. GeneralSafetyThesesafetyinstructionsareintendedforallworkonthe InstructionsACS300. WARNING!Allelectricalinstallationandmaintenancework ...
Go -- back to the ladder diagram source for changes in the logic -- U_*** symbols correspond to user-defined names. There is such a symbol -- for every internal relay, variable, timer, and so on in the ladder -- program. I_*** symbols are internally generated. local VFD_Spindle_...
(n = 0; n < 40; n++) { data = command_set [n]; parallel_out (data); } } //Common Font Example 4-10 14/18 E2−5008−00 C++ Sample Code 4.9 Displaying Symbols (Character Code Type) One of the 10 charcter code types is selectable, and its symbols and characters are added ...
Note: When using a single-phase supply, for units rated for such, connect the input power to terminals L1 and L2. Consult Eaton for more information. 9000X AF Drives MN04001004E—May 2011 15 Power Wiring Principle Wiring Diagram of SVX9000/SPX9000 Power Unit,...