Output Type Triple Circuit Topologies Full-Bridge Type Nature of Wave String Sine Wave Inverter Type DC/AC Inverters Output Wave Form Pure Sine Wave Apply for Water Pump and 3 Phase Centrifugal PumpPower 37000WMPPT 400-800VTransport Package Honeycomb Box with Pallet...
9. Heavy load and high torque, 1HZ can reach full torque. 10. Up to 16-stage speed control can be achieved. Application winding machine,mixer,extruder, slitter, winder, compressor, ventilator, pump, grinder, conveyor , elevator,centrifuger and other speed control machines. Inverter Number: Ful...
inafull-wavebridgeconfiguration. AVFDconsistsof3 primarysections,the rectifier/converter, theDCbusandthe inverter Figure1:Therectifier/convertersectionofaVFD 2|Auto-tuningandVariableFrequencyDrives 3.INVERTER4.IGBT ThethirdandfinalprimarysectionIsolatedgatebipolartransistors ...
(1 Form C / change-over contact or 1 open collector output) Operation Functions AVR, accel / decel S-Curve, overvoltage / overcurrent stall prevention, 5 fault records, reverse inhibition, momentary power loss restart, DC braking, auto torque / slip compensation, adjustable carrier frequency, ...
2.Fortheloadfeaturingdecreasingmoment,eg,fanandwaterpump,astherelation -60- Goodrive350serieshigh-performancemulti-functioninverterChapter5 betweenitsactualtorqueandspeedissquaredorcubed,itisrecommendedtoadopttheV/F curvecorrespondstopower1.3,1.7or2.0. Outputvoltage V b Torque-downV/Fcurve(1.3thorder) Tor...
VFD Trouble-shooting Tips for Control Technique “SP” Drives WARNING Never work on, clean or service this unit, control panel or any machine or open or remove any protective cover, guard, grate, door, or maintenance panel until the power or energy sources has been turned off, locked out /...
VFD is the short term for Variable Frequency Drive. A VFD or Variable Frequency Drive is also often commonly known as Frequency Inverter…
Please note, the output voltage wave form will be distorted due to harmonics and may increase torque ripple and noise in the motor. 01 - 23 Accel/Decel Time Unit Factory Setting: 01 Settings 00: Unit is 1 Sec 01: Unit is 0.1 Sec 02: Unit is 0.01 Sec This parameter sets the ...
WITTE Type:CHEM 25.3-3,Pump .NO:38212/1 H130830050911 WOERNER KFI-F/B/0/0/320/70 THERMOSYSTEMS TJ43 230V R inotec 33150-132407 FANUC LX660-4077-T321/L10R03 SMW 16952 机床附件 P+F H85-2 84.5mmx84.5mm IFM AC1326 网关 walther hp-006-0-wb017-12-2 ...
Also you need a watt meter that will respond to the full frequency range provided by the VFD and will give accurate readings with a non sinusoidal wave form. James Bouchard Like Reply P PhilCorso Jul 5, 2002 #12 A single-phase wattmeter is a perfectly legitimate method for accurately ...