2027 VinFast VF6 Starting at $30,000est EPA Est. Range N/A C/D SAYS:The VinFast VF6 is said to be an affordable compact battery-electric SUV with a front-drive single-motor powertrain.Learn More 2027 VinFast VF7 Starting at $37,000est ...
在几次迷惑的启动尝试后,VinFast已经将该计划搁置,直到他们能研究明白这个计划怎么才能可行为止。 没时间了 就当前状态而言,VF8还没有准备好投放市场。而且,一旦这些问题的消息开始广为流传,无论是来自其他车评人还是车主,都会严重损害该公司还没开始在美国积攒起来的声誉。如果VinFast还希望能够在市场上取得成功,他们...
VinFastinvited me to San Diego, California, to experience the Vietnamese automaker's first offering in America—the VF 8 City Edition. The VF 8 is an all-electriccrossover SUV, the first of four new electric-vehicle (EV) models VinFast plans to introduce over the next few years. 2023 Vi...
虽然我对 VinFast 电动未来的简短介绍是在预生产原型中进行的,但您无需等待很长时间就有机会购买 VF 8——计划要求在年底前在美国车道上投放最初的示例。事实上,这家年轻的汽车制造商甚至希望交付其更大的兄弟车型——帅气的三排 VF 9 EV,在 2023 年之前。这些都是雄心勃勃的目标,但该公司已经拥有完成几乎不...
Vinfast was founded in 2017 as a traditional ICE automaker, but it pivoted to EVs in 2021. Amazingly, the company had a drivable prototype by 2022. In a world where legacy automakers take five or more years to introduce a new model, that is an insanely quick timeline. ...
However, with all this being said, MKBHD would take the VinFast VF8 over the Fisker Ocean, which he called “the worst car he’s ever reviewed,” because the VF8 has fewer bugs. Currently,VinFastis asking $47,200 for the entry-level VF8 Eco, which has an EPA-rated range of 264 mi...
In January 2022, VinFast announced its intention to end production of internal-combustion vehicles and shift to a full EV lineup. Gone would be the BMW- and GM-based designs, replaced with electric vehicles developed from the ground up by VinFast. The company poached top-tier engineering talent...