1. the power vested in one branch of a government to cancel or postpone the decisions or actions of another branch, esp. the right of a president or other chief executive to reject bills passed by the legislature. 2. the exercise of this power. 3. Also called ve′to mes`sage. a ...
Critics of the line item veto say it granted the president too much power and allowed the powers of the executive branch to bleed into the duties and obligations of the legislative branch of government. "This act gives the president the unilateral power to change the text of duly enacted stat...
Define line-item veto. line-item veto synonyms, line-item veto pronunciation, line-item veto translation, English dictionary definition of line-item veto. n. The power of a government executive, usually a governor, to veto some parts of a bill passed by
Denn „participation in a government grants parties the right to veto legislation and to provoke a government crisis if they so wish“ (Tsebelis 2002: S.87). Tsebelis leitet das Vetorecht der Koalitionspartner also weniger aus Mehrheitserfordernissen als vielmehr aus den politischen ...